Physiome: A Biophysics Blog

Exploring the intersection of biology and physics

Challenges in Synthetic Biology: Engineering Life with Biophysics

Future Prospects for Navigating Complex Challenges

Adaptations for Life in Extreme Environments

An Examination of Organismal Adaptations to Extreme Environments from a Biophysical Perspective

Cryo-Electron Microscopy

A Detailed Overview of Cryo-Electron Microscopy in the Field of Molecular Imaging

The Biophysics of DNA-Protein Interactions

The Complex Biophysics of DNA-Protein Interactions and Their Biological Significance

Biophysics of Taste: Why Does Food Taste the Way It Does?

Deciphering Flavor Perception: An Analysis of the Biophysics Underlying Taste Sensation and Its Implications in Gastronomy

The Role of Biophysics in Medical Imaging

The Integral Contribution of Biophysics to Advanced Medical Imaging for Enhanced Diagnostics and Therapeutics

The Biophysics of Human Hearing

Auditory Physiology and Perception: A Study of the Biophysics Governing Human Hearing Processes

The Science of Sunburn: UV Radiation and Biophysics

How UV Radiation Affects the Skin

What is Biophysics? Why is it Important?

The Significance and Definition of Biophysics: An Exploration of Its Crucial Role in Scientific Research